Tag Archives: Dr Muzzafar Zaman

Differences and similarities between stress theories of Hans Selye and Richard Lazarus

Hans found stress as a physiological coping mechanism due to a fixed event.  Negative stimulus results in the body responding physiologically such as an increased heart rate, mobilization of glucose into the bloodstream, release of adrenaline and more rapid breathing. Although Richard Lazarus, he researched this further and described it as a more dynamic process. He …

The difference between anxiety, fear, and phobia in dentistry

Dental fear and anxiety are often used interchangeably however there is a distinct difference between the two. Anxiety is part of the normal response to everyday events. However, it is harmful if anxiety occurs excessively over a long time. Anxiety always precedes the actual encounter. The actual encounter may be real or it may be imagined. Anxiety …

The basic types of anxiety disorders… panic attacks, compulsive obsessive-compulsive disorder, and phobic anxiety disorders

Anxiety is a normal, protective physiological response to an unpleasant or threatening situation. Anxiety makes you take action and mild to moderate anxiety even improves performance and ensures appropriate action is taken. However, excessive or prolonged anxiety is not good as it is disabling and distressing, causing physical symptoms to appear causing illness. The term …