Dental fear and anxiety are often used interchangeably however there is a distinct difference between the two. Anxiety is part of the normal response to everyday events. However, it is harmful if anxiety occurs excessively over a long time. Anxiety always precedes the actual encounter. The actual encounter may be real or it may be imagined. Anxiety …
Anxiety is a normal, protective physiological response to an unpleasant or threatening situation. Anxiety makes you take action and mild to moderate anxiety even improves performance and ensures appropriate action is taken. However, excessive or prolonged anxiety is not good as it is disabling and distressing, causing physical symptoms to appear causing illness. The term …
Dentists are quite good at recognising patients who are nervous even when they try to hide their anxiety. Patient try to their anxiety but there will be certain physical signs that will give the game away quite easily. So here are some of the physical traits that patients exhibit which indicates that they are anxious …
Dentist Fear Being scared of the dentist is a common reason as to why people avoid going to the dentist. Dental anxiety or dental phobia is an everyday occurrence for dentists to deal with as not only does it not allow the dentist to check the patient and do their job, but it is an …