Private Treatments

Home Teeth Straightening in the UK

home teeth straightening

You may have seen adverts which claim that you can now get your teeth straightened at home without visiting your dentist or dental specialist. It really sounds too good to be true doesn’t it, so let’s have a look and try to uncover what all this really is about. Let’s look back say 15 years …

Do I Need A Bone Graft For Dental Implants


Bone Graft For Dental Implants You may be contemplating having dental implant treatment done, or you may even be having it soon and the dentist or the implantologist may have suggested that you will need to have a bone graft in conjunction with the treatment. So the question you should be asking is, do I …

Alternatives to Dental Implants


Updated:  Feb 2019 So you’ve been told that you need a dental implant or dental implants, but you might be wondering do I really need to have them, and are there any alternatives which may be nearly as good or even better? We’re going to look at the four options today as alternatives to dental …

Discoloured Front Tooth – Part 2

In part one, we looked at causes of tooth staining known as extrinsic tooth discoloration. In this article, we will look at Intrinsic tooth staining. There are various types if intrinsic tooth staining and the common ones include the following: A dead tooth Worn enamel Fluorosis Enamel defects A heavily filled tooth Decay Let’s go …

Should You Have Your Teeth Whitened Or Is It Another Gimmick?

dr muzzafar zaman

Tooth Whitening Tooth whitening does work but there are many factors to consider as well which you need to be aware of. The types of tooth whitening Having your teeth whitened is one of the most cost effective ways to instantly improve your smile and appearance. It’s painless, non-invasive and fairly quick to do. Generally …

The Appeal of Clear Braces

dr muzzafar zaman clear braces

Clear Braces There are different names for clear braces such as Invisalign, 6 Month Smiles, ClearCorrect, ClearSmile, FastBraces, Quick Straight Teeth and Inman Aligners. The difference then compared to today In the past only children ever had orthodontic treatment and the main reason was that it was unsightly for adults to have a mouth full …