NHS Treatments

Do I Need A Bone Graft For Dental Implants


Bone Graft For Dental Implants You may be contemplating having dental implant treatment done, or you may even be having it soon and the dentist or the implantologist may have suggested that you will need to have a bone graft in conjunction with the treatment. So the question you should be asking is, do I …

Alternatives to Dental Implants


Updated:  Feb 2019 So you’ve been told that you need a dental implant or dental implants, but you might be wondering do I really need to have them, and are there any alternatives which may be nearly as good or even better? We’re going to look at the four options today as alternatives to dental …

Smoking and Cancer of the Tongue

Smoking and Cancer of the Tongue

Our topic for today is smoking and mouth cancer. Updated: 07/01/2019 Mouth cancer is also known as oral cancer, or under different names such as ‘squamous cell carcinoma’, depending on the cells that it affects. For example, the saliva glands: mouth cancer commonly affects the tongue, however other areas that can also be affected are …

10 Complications Following Extraction Of Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom Teeth

10 Complications Following the Extraction of Wisdom Teeth Complications after ordering wisdom teeth extractions are fairly common. Some complications are fairly minor, however, others can be more serious with some being permanent and even life-threatening. So here is a list of the ten most common complications following from ordering wisdom tooth extractions. Number one: bleeding …

Why Wisdom Teeth Need To Be Taken Out – Part 1

very strong mouthwash

Updated: December 2018 Problems with impacted wisdom teeth relate to infection of the Operculum Periconitis – decay in the wisdom tooth, decay in the adjacent teeth, food packing and gum disease. Let’s look at each of these problems that can occur with impacted wisdom teeth in turn. Infection of the Operculum As mentioned previously, the …