10 Complications Following Extraction Of Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom Teeth

10 Complications Following the Extraction of Wisdom Teeth

Complications after ordering wisdom teeth extractions are fairly common. Some complications are fairly minor, however, others can be more serious with some being permanent and even life-threatening. So here is a list of the ten most common complications following from ordering wisdom tooth extractions.

Number one: bleeding and aligned bleeding after having a tooth extraction is common, and most commonly occurs when you’ve got back home following the extractions at the dental surgery or the hospital. Immediately after you have had the wisdom tooth or wisdom teeth removed, the dentist or the surgeon will always check to make sure that all bleeding has stopped before you are allowed to go home. However after two or three hours, or commonly when you’re lying flat in bed at night time, the extraction socket can start bleeding profusely. Sometimes the bleeding is very minor but because it mixes in with saliva, it appears that a huge amount of bleeding is occurring. Nine times out of ten, the bleeding is easily stopped by biting on a damp tissue or towel for ten minutes. This is usually enough to stop the bleeding but if the bleeding continues, you can apply the tissue or towel for another ten minutes. If after this time, the socket is still bleeding then you should seek emergency advice. The emergency advice can be by ringing the practice as all practices should give out a 24-hour emergency number of.

Number two: infections following wisdom tooth extractions can be very painful and can go on for a few weeks. The most common and likely cause of infection is called dry socket. Dry socket occurs more commonly in smokers or if the extraction was particularly difficult. You will know when you have a dry socket because it will be extremely painful. The pain is often worse than the original pain for which you had the wisdom teeth out for. This pain from a dry socket is constant and pain killers do not seem to help. The only solution is to go back to your dentist who will then pack an anti-microbial paste or gel or dressing into the socket after washing it out thoroughly with saline. A dry socket doesn’t usually need antibiotics and the condition starts to ease off after a few days. It may be necessary to have the dressing and socket looked at again and treated again if necessary.

Number three: sutures dislodging. If the wisdom tooth extraction is not straightforward, it is necessary sometimes to place stitches or sutures to close the socket properly. The sutures can become dislodged when you go home and if this happens then you should ring your dentist herb for further advice. Most of the time, it is not usually necessary to have new sutures placed unless the gap is very big or there is a danger of the socket being open and becoming infected.

Number four: bone fragments. You may notice that after you have had your wisdom tooth out that little bits of bone work their way out into your mouth; and sometimes you can even feel loose bits of bone with your tongue. This is usually not a problem unless the ball is causing discomfort to your tongue or if the socket is painful which could point out to an infected socket.

Number five: nerve damage is not always avoidable during wisdom tooth extractions. Nerve damage can be temporary or permanent and has been discussed in a different section of this same article.

Number six: Oroantral Fistula (OAF) – this can occur when an upper wisdom tooth is taken out. It happens because when the wisdom tooth is taken out you are left with a direct communication between the oral cavity and the sinus in the upper jaw bone. The dentist usually knows that an OAF has occurred when he has taken the tooth out but an OAF can also occur without the dentist being aware and without any problems occurring. As a patient, you will know that an OAF has occurred because you will notice that when you blow your nose, that air is forced into your mouth due to the direct communication. Also, the socket will take a long time to heal up. Another sign of an OAF is when you put water in your mouth, and the water runs up into your nose. An OAF can heal up by itself but usually you will need further specialist advice and treatment at the oral surgery department of your local hospital. In the first instance, you will need to see your dentist who will assess the OAF and decide if you need to be referred to the hospital.

Number seven: fractures can occur either around or in the jaw bone where the wisdom tooth was, or fracture of the wisdom tooth itself. Fracture of the jawbone can occur if the wisdom tooth puts up a lot of resistance, and the force of the extraction causes a jawbone fracture. The jaw bone fracture will be very painful, and there will also be bleeding along the fracture line. In the upper jaw, a whole section of the jaw bone called the Maxillary Tuberosity can become detached from the rest of the jaw bone. Each fracture, or a fracture, of the Maxillary Tuberosity has to be assessed on its own merits and treated accordingly. Fractures of the wisdom tooth itself are very common, especially if the extraction is going to be a difficult one. When a fracture occurs, it can be alarming for you as a patient but for a skilled dentist, it can still be removed. When the root fracture or crown fracture happens, it is usually necessary to carry out a surgical extraction. This surgical extraction involves lifting the gum away around the tooth and drilling away some of the jaw bone around the retained fragment of tooth, in order to take it out fully.

Number eight: Trismus. Trismus means that you cannot fully open your mouth. It can cause pain in and around the jaw joint but also around the muscles. Trismus can happen if, when the injection is given, the needle pierces and damages the muscles around the jaw joint. Another way for Trismus to happen is trauma to the jaw joint during opening wide when you are having the wisdom tooth taken out. Trismus usually only lasts a few days, and your dentist can give you special exercises to do in order to get your mouth opening fully and pain-free again.

Number nine: medical emergencies – the most common medical complication is simple fainting. Fainting will usually happen either before or when the injection is given. Fainting can happen to anyone, and when you’ve fainted, the dentist will simply lie you back to allow a good amount of blood flow back to your brain. You may also need to have a glucose drink to give your blood sugar levels a boost. There are other medical emergencies that can happen, but are fairly uncommon:- such as an epileptic fit, a heart attack, a diabetic attack and shock. All dentists are proficient in providing emergency medical emergencies care, and all practices have a medical emergencies kit with all the equipment and drugs necessary to treat a medical emergency.

Number ten: damage to the adjacent teeth can occur if the wisdom tooth is impacted, whilst the dentist is trying to take out the tooth. Damage occurs to the adjacent tooth is usually minor such as a small chip and they can be filled or treated later on when everything has healed up. Occasionally, the damage can be more severe; such as loosening the adjacent tooth and eventually this tooth could be lost.